FFC Assembly
HAMBURG漢保實業提供的可撓軟排線(FFC ),係高精密電線產品,具輕、薄、短、小、柔軟等特質,不但可折疊不同角度,並可直接焊在PCB上或插接連接器,能簡單靈活運用於各類電子電器產品及廣泛的數碼設備信號傳輸之連接,對空間的節省,產生實質功效。歡迎業者立即與我們聯絡。
Customize FFC with 3D Bending
- A. Customize design 3D bending
Customize FFC with Slitting and Punching Shape Type
- A. Special shape of terminal and slitting two ways
- B. Slitting process by auto-machine process
- C. Customize design for special shape and process by auto-machine
Customize FFC assembly with multi-connection
- A. Mulit-bending FFC assembly
- B. Line marking by auto-machine process
- C. Precise dimension control of assembly
Customize FFC with special shape
- A. Customize design for special shape and process by auto-machine
- B. Gold-plating FFC
Customize FFC assembly with special shape
- A. Customize design for special shape and process by auto-machine
- B. Halogen-Free FFC with special marking
Customize FFC assembly with multi-connection
- A. Mulit-slitting FFC process by auto-machine
- B. Precise dimension control of assembly